Bonehead talks about Liam Gallagher and John Squire’s joint album

Bonehead talks about Liam Gallagher and John Squire’s joint album

Bonehead talked about Liam Gallagher and John Squire‘s joint album saying that it’s “very good”.

Oasis‘ former guitarist co-hostedΒ Bonehead’s Christmas Day showΒ withΒ Toby TarrantΒ onΒ Radio X.

For the occasion Bonehead talked about the joint project of his old bandmate Liam Gallagher and the guitarist John Squire.

When asked if he’s heard any of their new material or if he’s involved in any way, he said:

β€œI’m not involved in anyway whatsoever, but I’ve heard it.”

β€œI’m not going to tell you anything. I’m going to keep you all in suspense. I’m not gonna say it’s this, that or whatever, but I’ve heard it from start to finish and I’ll keep you all going β€˜Go on, tell us, tell us, tell us’.”

“I shall leave it to the man himself,” he maintained before letting slip: “it’s very good”.

Source: Radio X

Photo: Getty