Liam Gallagher about an Oasis reunion: “I can see it happening”

Liam Gallagher about an Oasis reunion: “I can see it happening”

Liam Gallagher talked about an Oasis reunion and said: “I can see it happening”.

During a recent interview with The Times On Sunday, Liam Gallagher talked about the possibility of an Oasis reunion.

Liam obviusly remarked his point of view toward his older brother Noel:

“He knows I’m not going to call him,”

“He’s the one who split the band up, so he’ll be doing the calling, and if there is no calling we won’t be getting back together.”

“To be fair, though, I can see it happening. Now things have changed in his personal life, I can see him looking back, not looking back in anger, and going, ‘Do you know what? I was really mean to my little brother. Now it is time for me to send him a box of chocolates.’”

Going on with the interview, Liam also admitted that if Noel reached out he’d reunite “without a doubt” because he doesn’t “hold grudges”.

When asked if he’d accept an olive branch from Noel, he replied:

“Oh, without a doubt. I love my brother, I love my family, and all that Oasis, there was no need for it, you know what I mean?

“Maybe someone can get a bit tetchy on tour. Maybe someone drinks a bit too much. But we didn’t have to split up over it”

Source: Radio X

Photo: Getty