Liam Gallagher on Brexit: “David Cameron wants his bollocks electrocuted”

Liam Gallagher on Brexit: “David Cameron wants his bollocks electrocuted”

Former Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher has offered his insight on the Brexit debacle by putting the blame firmly on former Prime Minister David Cameron.

Cameron, former leader of the Conservative party, insisted on instigating the 2016 referendum before immediately resigning upon the result and ultimately shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of Theresa May.

Gallagher, speaking to Q, was asked for his opinion on the current political standoff to which he answered frankly: “I don’t know what Brexit is. Does anyone, really?”

Pushed for a more definitive opinion, Gallagher continued: “All I do know is that David Cameron wants his bollocks fucking electrocuted for bringing it on in the first place. I like going to Europe! I like that freedom.”

“I get that everyone is struggling, especially outside of London. But is that to do with Brexit? I don’t know, man. Seems like a load of fucking bollocks to me.”