Liam Gallagher on lockdown, watching the news, alcohol, Oasis and more

Liam Gallagher on lockdown, watching the news, alcohol, Oasis and more

A few questions from Liam Gallagher’s Cash For Questions interview that is in the new issue of Q.

Liam Gallagher

What has been your lockdown routine?

Drinking. Then a little more drinking. Then bed, talking gibberish. I’ve done a bit of running, but not much. Ran up to Ally Pally this morning. I’m just eating and drinking. Once we get a date to come out I’ll fix up and look sharp. There’s no rush, is there? We’re going to be here until June at least, aren’t we?

Should I watch the news or avoid it?

I have it on 24/7. I like to be informed, whether it’s the American news, the English news, wherever. I like that dude, the governor of New York. Cuomo, yeah. I like him. I try and avoid Trump. I’m more into the New York dude. I do have my moments when I think we’re fucked. And then there’s times when I think, β€œI know there’s people dying, but if we can just keep it locked down we’ll come out and it’ll be fine. Some good will come out of it.”

What’s on your list of things to do first when this is all over?

Put some fucking clothes on, for starters. Maybe shave the beard off, but maybe not. I’ve got a big long beard. I’ve had it for three months so you can imagine what it looks like. I’ve had it since Christmas and I’ve not even had a trim. Part of me was thinking that I look pretty fucking cool, and then there’s days when I think I look like a right c**t. But then, so does everyone else. I know I’m going to miss it. So, yeah, shave it off, put some clothes on and go to the pub and drink some Guinness. Then, get back to work and do some gigs. My hair’s looking good though, man. It’s a bit wild. I’m not gonna grow it properly long, because having a fringe in your late 40s is asking for trouble. But my new look is going to be Scarface, that kind of look. Al Pacino, you know, β€œSay hello to my little friend.”

What prompted the handwashing videos?
Alcohol. Pure booze. I’ve seen all those people doing their little videos, writing songs about Coronavirus, and I just thought, β€œFuck that.” Keep your head down and have a bit of a laugh. If you take it that seriously, you’re just gonna end up like Bono and I refuse. Me and Debbie were very pissed when we did that.

Who plays drums if Oasis re-form?
It would probably have to be Whitey. I know Tony McCarroll is a nice guy, but people probably want Whitey more, certainly more than Chris Sharrock and Zak Starkey. Actually, why don’t we get them all back? Because, let’s face it, it’s not going to happen.
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