Noel Gallagher: “I saw the end of Britpop”

Noel Gallagher: “I saw the end of Britpop”

Noel Gallagher recently said he saw the end of the Britpop era andΒ declaredΒ Britpop was the end of rock music as a dominating part of pop culture.


“It was an anniversary of something recently and somebody showed me a list of the album chart back them and in one week, it was Oasis, The Verve The Manics, Pulp and Blur, were like at least five of the top ten, and had been for most of that year. And I felt, I remember saying at the time that that era was the end of something, that that would be the last time that something like that would happen. There just isn’t that culture any more. I have a 15-year-old daughter who is like, ‘Albums? They take too much time just give me the track man.'”

“I guess it was the end of pop music as we knew it and then the internet came along and bingo.”

Source: Kulbritania